Modeling the Sherman Tank in 1/72nd Scale
Non-Sherman Accessories

In addition to accessories designed specifically for the Sherman tank, there are a number of items designed for US armor in general. I'll try to list as many as I can find below. This page also now includes accessories for the M3 Medium tank.

Unlike the other lists on this site, I am not going to list all available sets of figures, but rather only the ones that I own and can review. I am very particular about figures that I want to include with my tanks, so don't be surprised if you never see listed here sets from some popular manufacturers of wargaming figures.

A note about the ratings: the ratings should not be compared between figures that are 3D-printed, and the others that are not. In general, 3D-printed figures are going to be superior to any of the others (there are some exceptions, of course), but not all 3D-printed figures are as good as each other. Thus, 3D figures with a rating of 3 may actually be superior to non-3D figures with a higher rating. Just look at the photos yourselves, and you'll see what I mean.

Name Manufacturer Kit # Medium Rating Comments Links
British Crew Figures AMMO 8915 3D-Printed *** Five full figures in various standing poses. Preview
British Tank Crew & Civilian WW II CMK F72140 Resin **** Three full and two half figures. Preview
British Desert Tank Crew Friendship Model WFM72025 Metal **** Three complete figures. Preview
British Tank Commanders 1944 MMS A2 Metal *** Four complete and one half-figure. Preview
British Tank & AC Commanders Milicast 5 Resin **** One complete and six half-figures. Preview
British Tankers in Berets Milicast 85 Resin ***** Five complete figures. Preview
British AFV Crew 39-45 Milicast 4 Resin *** Six complete figures. Preview
British Winter Tank Crew MIG 72-093 Resin **** Three complete figures. Preview
British Tankers White Stork F72014 3D-Printed ***** Three full figures. Preview
British Tankers II White Stork F72048 3D-Printed ***** One partial and two full figures. Preview
British Tankers North Africa White Stork F72037 3D-Printed ***** Three full figures. Preview
British Tankers Winter White Stork F72070 3D-Printed ***** Three full, seated figures. Preview
WW II Soviet Tank Crew MIG 72-076 Resin ***** Three partial figures. Preview
Russian Tankers WW II CMK F72139 Resin **** Two complete and one partial figures. Preview
Soviet Tank Crew & Soldier CMK F72281 Resin ***** Four complete figures; three tank crew and one infantryman. Preview
Russian AFV Crew Milicast 16 Resin ***** Four complete and one partial figures. Preview
Soviet Tankers White Stork F72024 3D-Printed ***** Three full figures. Preview
Free French Tank Crew Milicast 90 Resin **** Four complete and one partial figures. Preview
Polish Berets Dan Taylor 76314 Resin **** Six heads wearing Polish tanker's berets. Preview
WW II US Tank Crew AGN Modelworks 72201 3D-Printed ***** Five partial figures. Preview
US Tank Crew & Civilian Black Dog T72012 Resin ***** Four partial tank crewmen, and one standing civilian. Preview
US WW II Tank Crew Calibre72 72-006 Resin ***** Two complete and three partial figures. Preview
US Truck Crew WW II CMK F72144 Resin **** Three complete figures. Preview
WW II US Tank Crew FC Modeltrend 72472 3D-Printed **** four full figures. Preview
WW II US AFV Crew Set 3 Germania 220 3D-Printed * Nine full figures. Overscale and poor accuracy. Preview
American AFV Crew - Casual Milicast 2 Resin **** Five complete figures. Preview
American Tankers - Casual Set 4 Milicast 63 Resin ***** Five complete figures. Preview
US AFV Crew Milicast 39 Resin **** Three complete and three partial figures. Preview
US AFV Crew - Tankers Helmets Milicast 6 Resin *** Seven partial figures. Preview
US Tank Crew in Helmets Milicast 23 Resin *** Four partial figures. Preview
M3 Lee Tank Crew - US Army 1943 Mirage 702 Metal **** Four complete and one half-figures. Preview
WW II US Tank Crew Set III Mironious 72029 3D-Printed ***** Five full figures. Preview
WW II US Tank Crew Set IV Mironious 72053 3D-Printed ***** Six full figures. Preview
WW II US Tank Crew Set V Mironious 72054 3D-Printed ***** Six full figures. Preview
US AFV Crew 1944 MMS A8 Metal *** Six complete figures. Preview
US Tank Commanders 1944 MMS A7 Metal **** Four complete and one half-figures. Preview
US Army Tank Crew MR Models 7275 Resin ***** Two complete and two half-figures. Preview
WW II US Tank Crew Set IV Peddinghaus 72053 3D-Printed **** Five full standing figures. Preview
US Tanker Crew WW II Royal Model 994 Resin ***** Four half-figures. Preview
US Tank Crew Set 1 SSR 72US11 3D-Printed **** Two full standing figures. Preview
US Tank Crew Set 2 SSR 72US12 3D-Printed **** Two full standing figures. Preview
US Tank Crew Evacuating Tracks & Troops TTF005 Resin **** Five complete figures in excellent poses. Preview
US Tankers White Stork F72028 3D-Printed ***** Two full and two partial figures. Preview
US Ammo-loading Tank Crew White Stork F72051 3D-Printed ***** Four complete figures, plus multiple 75mm cannon shells. Preview
USMC Tankers Pacific War White Stork F72074 3D-Printed ***** Three complete figures. Preview


M3 Lee & Grant Accessories
Many of the tracks and wheels used on the M3 Medium tanks were also used on the M4 Sherman, and therefore are already included on the M4 Sherman Accessories page. This list here will include only those items that are unique to the M3 Medium series.
Name Manufacturer Item # Medium Rating Comments Links
M3 Medium Gun Barrels ARMO   Aluminum ***** Includes both the short 75mm M2 and 37mm gun barrels. Preview
M3 Lee (late) Gun Barrels Master Model 72 014 Aluminum/Brass ***** Includes both the short 75mm M2 and 37mm gun barrels. Preview
37mm M6 Gun Barrel Armorscale 72 030 Aluminum ? For Stuart, Lee/Grant & Staghound Mk I & M8 Greyhound  
37mm M6 Gun Barrel RB Model 72B31 Aluminum ? For M8 Greyh, M3, M3A1, M3A3, M3A4 Lee  
75mm L/31 & US 37mm guns (M3 Lee) RB Model 72B60 Aluminum ***** Includes both the short 75mm M2 and 37mm gun barrels. Preview
Lee Mk. I Stowage Set Mirage 553 72802 Resin/Brass **** Set includes miscellaneous storage boxes in etched brass, and auxilliary fuel can in resin Preview


Miscellaneous Equipment
Name Manufacturer Item # Medium Rating Comments Links
.30 cal Machineguns Extratech 72021 Resin & Photoetch ***** Includes two machineguns: one air-cooled and one water-cooled. Preview
.30 cal Machinegun MiniWorld A7226 Brass ***** Includes a single gun on vehicle mount. Preview
.30 cal Machinegun Barrels Format72 dt22 Resin ***** Includes five gun barrels finely cast in resin, but with the masters 3D-printed. Preview
.30 cal Machinegun Barrels Master Model 72-001 Brass ***** Includes two gun barrels. Preview
.50 cal Machineguns and Bazookas Extratech 72009 Resin & Photoetch ***** Includes two machineguns with tripod mounts, and two bazookas. Preview
.50 cal Machineguns AMMO by MIG 8911 3D-Printed ***** Includes three machineguns with ammo boxes and vehicle mounts. Preview
.50 cal Machinegun Armory 7240 Resin & Photoetch ***** Includes a single machinegun and ammo box. Preview
.50 cal Machineguns Friendship Models WBM72054 Metal ? Includes two machineguns with aircraft barrels on vehicle mount.  
.50 cal Machineguns Friendship Models WBM72074 Metal ? Includes five machineguns with pintle mount and ammunition box.  
.50 cal Machineguns Friendship Models WBM72145 Metal ? Includes five machineguns with pin mount (for cupola) and ammunition box.  
.50 cal Machinegun MiniWorld A7228 Brass ***** Includes a single gun on vehicle mount. Preview
M2HB .50 cal Machineguns Scale23 72-U058 3D-Printed ***** Includes two guns, but with no gun mounts. Preview
Browning M2 .50 cal Machineguns Syndikate Co.   3D-Printed ***** Includes six guns, with three vehicle mounts and three tripod mounts. Plus a plethora of open and closed ammo boxes. Preview
.50 cal Machinegun Barrels Master 72-002 Brass ***** Includes two replacement gun barrels, including the short perforated portion at the base of the barrel. Preview
.50 cal Machinegun Barrel Schatton 72167 Brass ***** Includes a single replacement gun barrel (not including perforated portion). Preview
.50 cal Machinegun Barrels (for B-25J) Quickboost 72055 Resin ***** Includes 15 replacement gun barrels with the perforated barrel jacket. Perfect for replacing our .30cal gun barrels. Preview
Ammo Boxes            
US .30 cal Ammo Boxes FIRMA49 A009 3D-printed *****   Preview
US .50 cal Ammo Boxes Extratech   Resin *****    
US .50 cal Ammo Boxes FIRMA49 A008 3D-printed *****   Preview
US Ammo Boxes WW II CMK MV056 Resin *****   Preview
Bags and Packs Calibre72 72010 Resin *****   Preview
US Equipment Set WW II CMK MV058 Resin ***** Bags, tents, fuels cans, etc. Preview
US Bags & Stowage ExtraTech B72017 Resin ***** Bags, tents, etc. Preview
British Desert Stowage Friendship Models WBM72066 Resin ?    
WW II Allied Vehicle Accessories E.T. Model   Resin & Photoetch ? Miscellaneous bags, rolls and ammo boxes.  
Fuel & Water Cans            
US Fuel Cans ExtraTech B72012 Resin ***** Resin with brass details Preview
US WW II Jerry Cans FIRMA49 A024 3D-printed ***** Includes 10 cans. Preview
British 2gal Fuel Cans FIRMA49 A028 3D-printed ***** Includes 10 cans. Preview
Other Items            
Tow Cables & Eyes for US Tanks WW2 MR Modellbau   Resin ?    



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Modeling the Sherman Tank in 1/72nd Scale