On a tip from Stephen
Brezinski, I picked up several sets of these resin gun
barrels from Quickboost. Quickboost is a company that
offers an extensive line of aircraft accessories in all
scales, and this set includes 15 replacement gun barrels
for the Browning .50cal machineguns on the B-25. I have
seen an occasional photograph of a .50cal machinegun
mounted on a Sherman tank, but with this perforated
barrel jacket common on aircraft-mounted guns (the
machinegun on Oddball's Sherman in the movie Kelly's
Heroes was this type). So we can use these barrels
here to replace the smooth barrels on our kit machineguns
if we want to replicate those. But these are not only useful for .50cals.
The diameter of the barrels is also suitable for
replacing the barrels on Browning .30cal machineguns as
well. I had originally bought this set with the intention
of using them for the bow machineguns on my Shermans, but
when I look closely at all of the plastic .30cals we have
available from our plastic kits, they could also benefit
from replacement. Please see the Browning .30cal 1919 Comparison article for a close-up of one of
these Quickboost barrels that better shows the detail of
the perforated barrel jacket.

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