Modeling the Sherman Tank in 1/72nd Scale
Sherman Additional Armor Plate OKB Grigorov
Kit #GD 01072022
Article by Doug Chaltry; last updated 16 November 2008
This set consists of a single fret of etched brass with two pieces of add-on armor plate for use on an M4A1 (76)W. There are two additional square parts on the fret, but I have no idea what they are for, since there are no instructions or diagrams included with the set. I assume they fit into the square depressions etched into the armor plates to provide a little more relief in those areas. I honestly don't know if these two armor plates are meant to fit together into a single piece (spaced armor with the two sqares acting as spacers), or if they are two different add-on armor designs. I'll have to check my reference books for photos of tanks with this armor.
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Modeling the Sherman Tank in 1/72nd Scale