Modeling the Sherman Tank in 1/72nd Scale

M4A1 Sherman Detail Set
Kit #22014

Article by Doug Chaltry; last updated 12 November 2007.

This set was released many years ago, and was designed with the Revell M4A1 kit in mind. It contains 123 parts, which include:

  • hatch periscopes
  • rear turret details
  • lift rings and hatch handles
  • headlight guards
  • .50cal machingun and ammo box
  • fenders and sand skirts
  • sprocket wheels outer sprocket teeth
  • bogie wheel suspension details
  • pioneer tools and attachment racks

This set includes many parts that are fairly useless, such as the pioneer tools, hatch handles and lift rings, but one advantage to this set that many other Sherman etched brass sets lack are the track return skids. Although designed for the Revell Sherman, many of these parts should also be useable for any Sherman vehicle.

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Modeling the Sherman Tank in 1/72nd Scale