Again, the title on
this set is a little confusing. Although this ammunition
is labeled as 76.2mm, this is actually the ammunition for
use with the 3inch anti-tank gun (the calibres for these
two weapons were very close). These shells can be used
for the M5 3in AT gun (available from ACE), or for the M7
tank gun mounted on the M10 tank destroyer (available
from multiple manufacturers). As you can see in the scan below, there
are 12 empty shell casings, and 3 each of 3 different
types of projectile. From left to right in the picture
below we have: armor piercing shot, armor piercing
capped, and high explosive. Unfortunately, no HVAP (high
velocity armor piercing) are included. Measurements show
the parts to be spot on for 1/72nd scale.

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