The Plastic Soldier
company makes quick-build kits for wargamers. This kit
comes with three complete models in the box, each
composed of 31 parts, including a tank commander figure.
Although marketed as 1/72nd scale, it is substantially
over-scale, and may not fit well with other, more
accurate models on the gaming table. The moldings are
very well done, though the kit is horribly inaccurate in
shape, with the details of the kit a mish-mash of both
early and late M4A1 features. The front hull shape is the
worst part of the kit, with the poor shape, combined with
the overscale moldings, making the completed model look
more like a caricature of a Sherman tank than a scale
replica. The box states that this kit is for gamers and
collectors, but with its toy-like features, I can't see
many collectors wanting to add it to their collection. As
for gamers, they will have to decide which is the better
starting point, a kit like this with abundant, though
inaccurate details and shape, or something like the
Armourfast kits, which lack most of the details seen on
this Plastic Soldier kit, but are much more accurate in
size and shape. That being said, however, I believe that
this is the only quickbuild kit available of an early
hull M4A1, so if a gamer needs this version of the
Sherman, they don't really have a lot of choice. 
Note: a piece is missing
in the above scan. The gap in the upper left should hold
a hatch ring/tub that fits into the hatch opening on the
turret for the tank commander. This piece is in the box;
I didn't notice it had fallen off the sprue until after I
wrote the article.
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