Designed for the HäT
(Armourfast) kit, I doubt that it's possible to adapt the
parts to other kits of the Achilles because of
differences in body shape and scale between
manufacturers. But most of the other kits on the market
don't need this extra detail anyway. The set consists of
the three parts shown here, which are all very detailed
and finely molded in a light gray resin. There are a
couple of very small air bubbles in the resin, but the
ones that will be visible once built will be very easy to
fill. The floor of the turret will need to be carefully
carved open without damaging the seats, but it's very
thin, so that shouldn't be a problem. What I really like
the most about this set is that the 17pdr cannon shells
are correctly depicted as being stored "naked",
outside of their shipping tubes, which is correct for
this calibre of ammunition. All of the other M10 17pdr
kits on the market incorrectly include the ammunition
only in the storage tubes (carry over from the 3-inch
versions of the M10 kits). With some good reference
material, one will be able to add even more, finer
details to the vehicle interior, and make a truly quality
replica of the Achilles from a kit that was originally
designed for wargamers. I am very much looking forward to
using this set.  
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