Shermans Part 1
Kit #72404
Article by Doug Chaltry; last updated
7 April, 2008.

Complete markings for 10
Polish Shermans fighting with the western Allies. Most of
them are for M4A2 Shermans, which thankfully we now have
a couple different kits available to us in 1/72nd scale.
The single exception is a Firefly IC, which is available
in resin from a couple of different sources, or in
plastic from Extratech. The decals are extremely well
printed and very thin.
- Sherman III
"KRECHOWIAK". HQ Squadron, 1st
Krechowiecki Lancers Regiment. Loreto, August
- Sherman III
"TAIFUN". 1st Squadron, 4th armoured
Regiment. Quassasin Camp, Egypt, March 1944.
- Sherman III
"HILL-69". HQ Platoon, HQ 2nd Armoured
Brigade. Loreto, August 1945.
- Sherman III
"ROZMACH I". 2nd Squadron, 1st
Krechowiecki Lancers Regiment. Loreto, August
- Sherman IC
"RYCERZ I". 2nd Squadron, 1st
Krechowiecki Lancers Regiment. Loreto, August
- Sherman III
"ROSSARIO". HQ Platoon, HQ 2nd Armoured
Brigade. Loreto, August 1945.
- Sherman III
"QUIZIL-RIBAT" of Commander 2nd
"Warsaw" Armoured Division. Loreto,
August 1945.
- Sherman III. 2nd
Armoured Brigade. Quassasin Camp, Egypt, March
- Sherman III
"QUASSASIN". HQ Platoon, HQ 2nd
Armoured Brigade. Loreto, August 1945.
- Sherman III.
"BOHUN" 1st Squadron, 1st Krechowiecki
Lancers Regiment. Adriatic Operation, July 1944.
My sincere thanks to
Braden for
providing the review sample.
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