The 72nd Brigade
catalogue # above is not a typo; for some reason they had
two items with the same number.
Consisting of only seven
parts, this is a fairly nice conversion effort from this
now-defunct company. To create the composite hull, 72nd
Brigade spliced together two of Dragon's plastic hulls,
an M4A1 and an M4A3. They added some applique armor and
some fairly good weld lines, though I think they are a
bit overdone. Unlike several other resin companies that
have attempted this conversion, 72nd Brigade remembered
to change the shape of the overhanging rear armor plate
from the M4A3 pattern to the M4 pattern. Unfortunately,
it is not entirely correct, because they chose the shape
from the late M4 hull, (straight across the bottom) when
this vehicle should have the shape of the early M4 hull
(not straight across the bottom). I have seen some photos
that appear to show the later style (straight across the
bottom), but when you look closely, you can see that
there was an extension added to the hull in the field.
This plate also should be a
little more vertical, though the angle isn't horrible.
Two options are provided
for the rear plate on the engine deck, one with the oil
filler cap and one without, though I don't know that this
version ever had this feature. A nice casting mark was
added to the upper hull on the front left side. 72nd
Brigade also correctly changed the lift handles on the
rear engine deck plate to be parallel to the hull sides,
a feature that was indicative of the particular tank
manufacturing facility that produced these tanks.
So all in all, although
not perfect, there is no problem with this set that
cannot be easily rectified. So if you happen to see one
of these for sale at a model show or on eBay, I'd
recommend picking it up.